Indonesia, Exemption from Import Duties for Health Services Goods

The importation of health goods in Indonesia are normally subjected to a fiscal levy through customs duties and taxes in the framework of import (PDRI).

The importation of items are divided into 2, purchase and grant goods. They are normally subjected to fiscal levy through customs duties and taxes in the framework of import (PDRI), which is likely to cause an increase in prices for imported goods.

To achieve savings and efficiency, the importation of health goods can be provided with fiscal facilities through the exemption of import duties and import taxes (PDRI).

In accordance with Article 25 and 26 of Law No. 17 of 2006 concerning The Amendment of Law No.10 of 1995 on customs, it is very important to be able to distinguish the difference between the subject (recipient of goods), the object (the type of goods) and the allocation of the intended goods. This is because exemptions of import duties may differ based on these differences.

During the process of issuing goods at the port, do take note of the costs that might arise such as warehouse rental, handling, etc.

Even after the goods are released and cleared, the importer or the receiver has to comply with the provisions set forth in the letter “Decision on Import Duty Exemption” to ensure a proper process.

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